Friday, 7 February 2014

riddle - This puzzle is driving me #$&@!

So, I've been given these strange blocks of clues. I've read them end to end but frankly I just can't make head or tail of them! I know I must be missing some kind of connection somewhere. Can't you help me, please? It's driving me insane!

Block 1:
1. Talk to me, I talk back, ask me why, then I lie.
2. A fruit we are, like fat but not quite.
3. I'm the happiness that's almost miss.

Block 2:
1. Like someone on the warpath, just shorter.
2. Rude drivers and angry bulls use me quite often.
3. Resting against a curve makes one tidy.

Block 3:
1. More like a cow than a cow, just scared.
2. Rough weather or long road?

Block 4:
1. We are shy, but when you're all gone the world is ours.
2. Misleading acronym time? Step on it!
3. A most costly kind of gate.
4. Lay me down if you want to get your way.
5. Put me on and do it good, I once got stopped by some big dude.

What is this puzzle trying to tell me?


What it's trying to tell me --


The gimmick:

Put the answer words of each block "end to end", as it were, by making "some kind of connection"—a crossword-style connection, linking them at common letters. Correctly connecting the answer words will draw out a letter per block, and these put together spell out the four letter puzzle answer.

entries in BOLD were found independently by me (even though others got there too)
entries in BOLD ITALIC were borrowed from someone else (with credit given).

Block 1:

1. Talk to me, I talk back, ask me why, then I lie. PHONE (@Dan Russell)
    you talk (in)to your phone and it talks back; phone-why→phony→lie
2. A fruit we are, like fat but not quite. PLUMS (@stack reader)
    fat→plump→plum→plums (because "we" is plural)
3. I'm the happiness that's almost miss. BLISS
    bliss is the happiness synonym that rhymes with miss

P   B
E S → "N"

Block 2:

1. Like someone on the warpath, just shorter. WRATH
    someone on the warpath is mad as heck→wrathful→wrath; also, warpath leaves wrath
2. Rude drivers and angry bulls use me quite often. HORN

    rude drivers honk their horns, angry bulls gore you with 'em.
3. Resting against a curve makes one tidy. CLEAN (@Thrax)
    a curve, "C", with "lean" against it, makes clean=tidy

W  C
HORN → "U"

Block 3:

1. More like a cow than a cow, just scared. COWER
    more cow-like→cow-er→cower, something you do when scared.
2. Rough weather or long road? WINDY (@Dreagen)
    rough weather is windy. long roads can wind around = windy.

Y → "T"

Block 4:

1. We are shy, but when you're all gone the world is ours. MEEK (@TwoBitOperation)
    the meek shall inherit the earth
2. Misleading acronym time? Step on it! MAT
    [m]isleading [a]cronym [t]ime → mat
3. A most costly kind of gate. TOLL (@dcfyj)
    toll gates cost money to pass; other gates generally don't.
4. Lay me down if you want to get your way. LAW
    lay down the law to make sure people do things your way.
5. Put me on and do it good, I once got stopped by some big dude. SHOW

    per OP, this is about WWE; Big Show's signature move was the "Show Stopper"

SHOW → "S"

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