Monday 20 May 2013

Cryptic Crossword Sudoku

This puzzle is inspired by Matt’s excellent Cryptic Sucrosswordoku.

Below is a sudoku as well as some cryptic clues. The clues lack enumeration and are in no particular order. The solutions to the clues can be assembled into a path-connected rotationally symmetric crossword inside the sudoku, with each solution beginning in a square whose number is the same as the clue’s enumeration. Given this information, you should be able to deduce the possible enumerations and the form of the crossword itself. Your job is to assemble the crossword atop the sudoku.

enter image description here

  1. Discouraged media forced into action

  2. Take over a French square

  3. Tree residue after a fire

  4. Foolish person captured near canyon

  5. Sad strange spots

  6. Goes over subpar art and poetry

  7. Character at the end finds holes in disorganized site

  8. What the despairing cut in impulsive inspiration!

  9. Solution lacking wild lions and bird

  10. Top dog’s meat placed in empty trophy


Part 2: The Cryptics

Discouraged media forced into action


Take over a French square

SEIZE (French for 16) (thanks, Sp3000!)

Tree residue after a fire

ASH (ddef)

Foolish person captured near canyon


Sad strange spots


Goes over subpar art and poetry

(TRA*)VERSES (thanks, Sp3000!)

Character at the end finds holes in disorganized site

What the despairing cut in impulsive inspiration!

_VEINS_ (thanks, Sp3000!)

Solution lacking wild lions and bird

EMU(-lsion) (thanks, Sp3000!)

Top dog’s meat placed in empty trophy

C(-u, +HAM)P (thanks, Sp3000!)

Part 3: The Grid

I'm fairly sure this is the only grid possible with exactly ten entries without using bars between squares:

enter image description here

The final grid is:

enter image description here

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