Monday, 19 May 2014

cipher - What is JonMarkPerry trying to tell us?

Following in the footsteps of MOehm, leoll2 and the formerly known Lukas Rotter (who has deleted his account D:), we have a new name to add: JonMarkPerry!

In his profile we find an interesting image:

enter preformatted text here

(For colourblind: From left to right:

Yellow Red Orange Blue

Purple Dark Blue Red Green
Pink Blue Yellow Purple
Green Dark Blue Orange Pink)

Followed by the line

The diagonals are all 45°, and therefore +/-/0 1.


  • There are two of each colour

  • 8 colours and the 0 1 seems to suggest binary

  • For two inputs of each colour could be a logic gate

  • Almost seems to be colours of the rainbow

So, you know the drill:

(Also note his profile pic has changed to a pic of Hank Williams III which may or may not be related)

Will add bounty in about a week if not solved.

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