Sunday, 25 May 2014

word - the reason i CAN'T WAIT for the holidays

tiS thE season of Rejoicing! TIme for Caroling, sUgAr cooKies, anD FaMily iNfiGHting! hoWever, there's an eXtra sPecial reasOn this wilL be the Best holidaY season eVer. there's Just one Question, now, though. what's given me such Zeal and enthusiasm for this holiday? i can't wait!

I apologize in advance for this puzzle. I had such grand ideas, but then so much of it ended up being forced instead of meta with itself. :( Doesn't change the fact that the answer is still a legitimate reason to be excited for December!

I will be providing intermittent hints as necessary. :)

10/11/17 11:51 AM Pacific Time

The title holds some significance to solving the puzzle.

10/12/17 11:47 AM Pacific Time


10/13/17 11:34 AM Pacific Time

I've been reading a lot about Kryptos recently...

10/16/17 11:56 AM Pacific Time

Giovan Battista Bellaso had a hand in the creation of this type of puzzle, even if it doesn't bear his name.

10/16/17 11:55 AM Pacific Time



The reason you can't wait for the holidays is:


Most of the legwork has already been done by others, namely:

There are 26 unique capital letters, which probably form a substitution key. The bold letters spell Distraction. The italic letters spell cicessrt. The many hints lead towards a Vigenère cipher, probably a keyed Vigenère.

Unfortunately, using the capital letters as alphabet and using Distraction as key and cicessrt as text (and vice versa) to decode doesn't yield anything. (The most recent hint confirms that the capitals form the alphabet, but "Distraction" was just that - a distraction.)

A recent comment by the OP ...

... says that no-one has done anything with the first hint, which says that the title is important. Now the title has the letters can't wait in all caps. Using cissert as Vigenère key and cant wait as encoded text, we get the plaintext "Star Wars".-

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