Wednesday, 30 April 2014

riddle - This day in history II

This day in history I was correctly answered by PotatoLatte. I will describe an event from a certain number of years ago that happened today (28/07). I would like you to tell me both he event and the amount of years ago it happened.

A glove, these dark people hold
They did something - stupid or bold?
One split to two
Thousands of miles from those who

Were affected by this awful event
Only 2 million minutes would last
Before this disaster was in the past


Could be

Start of World War I - Started 28.07.1914 (105 years ago) and it lasted 2.2 million minutes.
The Europe split to two: the Triple Entente—consisting of France, Russia, and Britain—and the Triple Alliance of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy.

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