Tuesday 30 April 2013

Word Riddle - you love me or you hate me

With two I’m affirmative

With three I’m respectful
With four I’m more respectful
With all five I’m either loved or hated
But when I’m loved, I kill; and when I’m hated, I may save lives.


My guess is


With two I'm affirmative

'si', which is Spanish for "yes".

With three I'm respectful

'sir', a respectful greeting.

With four I'm more respectful

'sire', a respectful title.

With all five I’m either loved or hated

But when I’m loved, I kill; and when I’m hated, I may save lives.

Sirens that were 'loved' led sailors to their deaths. Although they are an annoying noise, their sound means that help is on the way and lives may be saved.

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