Wednesday 9 October 2019

quantum field theory - Is there a mistake in a QFT textbook?

I tried to calculate one of the problems in the textbook Gauge Theory of Elementary Particle Physics by Ta-Pei Cheng and Ling-Fong Li.

On page 248 you can find the following calculation of a loop integral: enter image description here

After the scond $=$ is there a $\gamma\cdot k$ missing? $$...\bar u_e(p-q)(1+\gamma^5)\gamma\cdot k\;u(p)...$$ instead of $$...\bar u_e(p-q)(1+\gamma^5)u(p)...$$ Because the mass dimension do not match. Am I right or did I make a bad mistake? I think they neglect terms with $m_e$ here, which would be OK.

With $c_i=\frac{g^2e}{4}U^*_{ei}U_{\mu i}$ and $\gamma\cdot p\;u_\mu(p)=m_\mu u_\mu(p)$.


It seems to be an error (due the the units mismatch).

You should doublecheck the errata page and perhaps contact the publishers.

The errata is for the 1997 edition. It doesn't seem to mention this page.

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