Thursday 14 August 2014

grid deduction - Latin Square Puzzle - Difficult

latin square puzzle

Follow on puzzle from the introductory Latin square puzzle post.

The rules

  1. It’s a Latin square like sudoku, so there must be the numbers 1-9 exactly once in every row and column.

Notice that each dark vertical line divides a row (1x9) into three 1x3 blocks.

  1. In every row, within a 1x3 block, you can only have one number from each triple {123}, {456},{789}.

So essentially in a row you have to space out the numbers 1,2,3 into the three divisions of the row.

Eg, in the first row, the first 1x3 box contains a ‘3’, therefore in the next box you cannot have a ‘1’ or a ‘2’. Similarly the same 1x3 box contains a ‘7’ so you cannot put an ‘8’ or a ‘9’ in the box beside the three.

There should be a unique solution from the construction.

Enjoy :)


The puzzle is pretty good and when trying to solve it I get confused with sudoko. I am not sure if my answer is correct.

This is it

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