Sunday 24 August 2014

logical deduction - Game against the Devil

While browsing through S.E you notice a spider crawl right out from under your keyboard! Startled, you twitch your hand and left clicked your mouse. You look up in shock as you notice that you just gave an unjustified down vote! You try to fix it as fast as possible, but before you can, the devil himself appears before you and takes you to his realm!

The devil challenges you to his game. The game will take place on a cylinder, in which you start solely on one base of the cylinder. The devil is then able to replicate any amount of you as he pleases to start on the other side of the cylinder (These replicates are obviously evil). Once the game starts your challenge is to get to the other side of the cylinder without being captured by your evil replicates!

The devil makes a promise that if you can beat him in this game, he will return you to your desk and banish his spider from your desk. But if you lose you will be stuck watching the devil abuse your account forever! Would you able to save your account?

  • The cylinder is large enough to consider yourself (and the replicates) as zero radius points

  • The replicates will play with the best possible strategy to make you lose.

  • You and the replicates move at the same speed and at the same time.

If the devil makes you another offer to play, however your replicates receive a greater than 0 radius and in return he allows you to chose the dimensions of the cylinder, should you accept?


You can't win the first proposal, since the devil can just mirror your starting position and your evil clone© can just mirror your moves.

For the second proposal, I think you could win if you cheat a little on making the cylinder: make a cylinder with uneven base diameters and start on the smaller one. You can turn radially faster than the evil clones© (so, a bit like the duck in a pond question) and potentially escape. Unfortunately, the devil can negate your advantage by having extra evil clones© that will make your rotation ineffective, and have extra clones to chase you.

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