Wednesday 29 October 2014

lateral thinking - Man buys item, throws it away on his way out

I thought of this lateral thinking puzzle. Hopefully, it's not too broad and hasn't been asked before.

A man walks into a store, buys an item for $1, and throws it away along with the receipt on his way out. What item did he buy?


  • His decision to throw the item away on his way out was completely justified.

  • He did not put anything in his mouth between buying the item and throwing it away.

EDIT: To make this question less broad, here are some notes that I should've had in the beginning:

  • He bought the item because he wanted the item.

  • "Throw away" means he put the item and the receipt in the trash can.

  • The item was reasonably priced at 1 USD in 2018.

  • He threw the item away because his perception of the item's intrinsic value changed.


It was

A scratch card. And presumably not a winning one.

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