Sunday 26 October 2014

quantum mechanics - What is the physical meaning of the sum of two non-commuting observables?

Scenario: ${\mathcal A}$ and ${\mathcal B}$ are two observables. Mathematically we model them by two Hermitian operators $A\colon H \to H$ and $B\colon H \to H$ on a separable Hilbert space. Physically they correspond to experiments $E_A$ and $E_B$, whose results are values in $Spec(A)$ and $Spec(B)$; repetitions produce value distributions on these spectra, expectation values, variances and higher momenta. The mathematical operator $A+B$ also is Hermitian. So let us look for an experiment which corresponds to this operator and let us study its expectation value in state $\varphi$.

Naive approach: Let us try pair-experiments. Assume we have a black box producing samples of state $\varphi$. Take a sample of the state, do experiment $E_A$ and get result $a$. Sample the state again, do experiment $E_B$ and get result $b$. Call the sum $a+b$ the result of the pair-experiment.

If $Spec(A) = \{ a_1, a_2 \}$ and $Spec(B) = \{b_1, b_2\}$ then the pair experiment has spectrum $\{ a_1 + b_1, a_1 + b_2, a_2 + b_1, a_2 + b_2 \}$. Obviously the pair-experiment has to be described in $H \otimes H$ and with a completely different observable. Details are straight forward, but we have no experiment for $A + B$. :-(

Second attempt: Let us assume that ${\mathcal A}$ and ${\mathcal B}$ are compatible and $A$ and $B$ commute. Then we can do the following: Sample the state once, on that sample do experiments $E_A$ and $E_B$ in whatever sequence, receive sequence independent values $a$ and $b$ and add them. Mathematically all is good. $A$ and $B$ share an eigenbasis, the spectrum of $A + B$ is the sum of the eigenvalues (belonging to the same shared eigenspace). Expectation values work out as expected. :-)

Now my question: $A + B$ still is a Hermitian operator, even if $A$ and $B$ do not commute. So I still am curious to which experiment this operator belongs to.

Note: In case of the product $A \cdot B$, the operator $A\cdot B$ is no longer Hermitian if the operators do not commute, and this makes it impossible for me to ask that question for the product. My question would break the preconditions of the formalism. But in $A + B$ the formalism allows to pose this question...

Update: In consequence of some comments I will try to specify my question more clearly: What is the physical meaning of the sum of two observables?

Obviously the "sum of two observables" is not the "sum of the values of the two observables". Assume that observable $A$ may have the values $2$ or $3$ and assume that observable $B$ may have the values $100$ or $200$ then the observable $A+B$ does not have the values $102$, $103$, $202$ or $203$ as a simple, naive approach might suggest or as an understanding of "sum of the values of the two observables" might suggest.

With this intuition failing, I would like to get an understanding of the physical meaning of $A + B$ starting from an understanding of $A$ and $B$.

Update 2: Adjusted the description of the pair experiment to a less misleading form.

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