I have to study this system which name is Navier-Stokes. Can you explain please what means that $p$, $u$ and $(u \cdot \nabla)u$. What represents in reality? Tell me please, how should I read the factor: $(u \cdot \nabla)u$? "$u$ multiplied with gradient applied to $u$ " ?
$ (N-S)\begin{cases} -\mu \Delta u +(u \cdot \nabla)u+\nabla{p}=f &\mbox{in } \Omega, \\ \mbox{div }u=0 & \mbox{in } \Omega,\\ u_{\mid{\Gamma}}=0. \end{cases} $
one more question, what happens with with the system if $(u \cdot \nabla )u=0$ ? I found that the system describe the motion of a incompressible viscous fluid and it suppose the the motion is stationary but no slow, what means that stationary and that slow?
$(u \cdot \nabla)u$ is the so called advective acceleration term which arises when you consider the Navier-Stokes equations in an Eulerian frame of reference. It accounts for the effect that the we are following the particle as it moves around in the fluid, presumably to regions of the flow where the velocity is different. In contrast, if you consider the Navier-Stokes in Lagrangian coordinates, we are by definition tracking individual particles and therefore that term is not present. In large magnitudes, this term is highly-nonlinear and responsible for much of the more interesting behavior we see in fluid motion.
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