Saturday 4 October 2014

cosmology - At what cosmological redshift $z$, does the recession speed equal the speed of light? How is it calculated?

At what cosmological redshift $z$, does the recession speed equal the speed of light?

What equations are used to calculate this number (since at large redshifts, $z=v/c$ won't apply)?

[I asked this question in Astronomy SE earlier.]


From Friedmann Equation, distance as a function of redshift is:

$$d(z)=\frac{c}{H_0}\int_0^z \frac{dx}{\sqrt{\Omega_{R_0}(1+x)^4+\Omega_{M_0}(1+x)^3+\Omega_{K_0}(1+x)^2+\Omega_{\Lambda_0}}}$$

The Hubble-LemaƮtre Law:

$$v=H_0 \cdot d$$

We want $\boxed{v=c}$ now. The distance that fulfils this condition is known as current Hubble Distance, (or Hubble Radius, or Hubble Length):


Combining both, we obtain the condition:

$$\int_0^z \frac{dx}{\sqrt{\Omega_{R_0}(1+x)^4+\Omega_{M_0}(1+x)^3+\Omega_{K_0}(1+x)^2+\Omega_{\Lambda_0}}}=1$$

For $\Omega_{R_0}\approx 0 \quad \Omega_{K_0}\approx 0 \quad \Omega_{M_0}\approx 0.31 \quad \Omega_{\Lambda_0}\approx 0.69$

The condition is:

$$\int_0^z \frac{dx}{\sqrt{0.31(1+x)^3+0.69}}=1$$

Searching by trial and error, we find that the value of redshift that fulfils the condition is $z=1.474 \approx 1.5$

Best regards.

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