Thursday, 16 July 2015

logical deduction - Strange implications with $aN$, $eF$ and $gH$

Given the implications

$$aN\implies S$$ $$eF\implies I$$ $$gH\implies M$$

could you please complete the following implication:

$$nS\implies ?$$

(The answer is one of the letters $T$, $A$, $L$, $K$.)


The answer is



The puzzle is built around the periodic system of chemical elements:

Na = Sodium (Na reflected = aN; first letter of Sodium = S)
Fe = Iron (Fe reflected = eF; first letter of Iron = I)

Hg = Mercury (Hg reflected = gH; first letter of Mercury = M)
Sn = Tin (Sn reflected = nS; first letter of Tin = T)

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