Wednesday 11 May 2016

logical deduction - Water glass and wine glass

You have two equal glasses. One is filled with water. One is filled with wine.

Now you take a spoonful from the water glass, put it into the wine glass, and stir until it is well mixed. Then you take a spoonful from the wine glass, put it into the water glass.

Now, is there more water in the wine glass than wine in the water glass?

(Please note: I am not a molecular physicist.)


Counter-intuitively, there are exactly equal amounts. We can see this if we consider that each glass has lost and gained the same amount of liquid (a spoonful), so any loss to the other glass is precisely offset by gain from that glass.

Unless, of course, the "filled with water/wine" statements were to be taken literally, in which case the water glass will have more wine because the wine glass lost some when it overflowed.

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