Tuesday, 16 January 2018

hilbert space - State-operator map, and scalar fields

Up so far, i have been studied state-operator correspondence, i.e, i have been questioned https://physics.stackexchange.com/q/215060/ which was wrong question. By studing Ginsparg's applied conformal field theory now I become familiar with the concept of operator state map. Which indicates that between the state in R×S1, cylinder and operator in R2, plane, there is a one-to-one map. i.e, following conformal map we can make one to one map between them. ξ=t+ix,z=exp[ξ]=exp[t+ix]

here ξ is a cylinder's complex coordinate, and z is a plane's complex coordinate.

Now i am curious about the field between them. For example, for scalar field ϕ(t,x) in cylinder after conformal map how this changes in plane? i.e From the conformal map, combination of t,x maps to specific value of z, and scalar field is dependent of t,x thus it should be function of z in the other side. I want to know how this works in detail.


Under conformal mapping z=>w(z) and ˉz=>ˉw(ˉz) a field of conformal dimension(h,ˉh) transforms as ˜ϕ(w,ˉw)=(wz)h(ˉwˉz)ˉhϕ(z,ˉz)..

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