Wednesday, 17 January 2018

mathematical physics - Principal value of 1/x and few questions about complex analysis in Peskin's QFT textbook

When I learn QFT, I am bothered by many problems in complex analysis.

1) 1xx0+iϵ=P1xx0iπδ(xx0)

I can't understand why 1/x can have a principal value because it's not a multivalued function. I'm very confused. And when I learned the complex analysis, I've not watched this formula, can anybody tell me where I can find this formula's proof.

2) ddxln(x+iϵ)=P1xiπδ(x)

3) And I also find this formula. Seemingly f(x) has a branch cut, then f(z)=1πZdzImf(z)zz

Can anyone can tell the whole theorem and its proof, and what it wants to express. enter image description here

Now I am very confused by these formula, because I haven't read it in any complex analysis book and never been taught how to handle an integral with branch cut. Can anyone give me the whole proof and where I can consult.


The first equation, 1xx0+iϵ=P1xx0iπδ(xx0)

is actually a shorthand notation for its correct full form, which is limϵ0+f(x)xx0+iϵdx=Pf(x)xx0dxiπf(x0)
and is valid for functions which are analytic in the upper half-plane and vanish fast enough that the integral can be constructed by an infinite semicircular contour.

This can be proved by constructing a semicircular contour in the upper half-plane of radius ρ, with an indent placed at x0, making use of the residue theorem adapted to semi-circular arcs. See Saff, Snider Fundamentals of Complex Analysis, Section 8.5 Question 8.

The third one is the Kramers-Kronig relation, as Funzies mentioned.

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