Monday, 29 January 2018

thermodynamics - Derivation for the temperature of Reissner-Nordström (charged) black hole

A lot of the text for this is from "How does one correctly interpret the behavior of the heat capacity of a charged black hole?" but this concerns a different question. The Reissner-Nordström black hole solution is: ds2=(12Mr+Q2r2)dt2+(12Mr+Q2r2)1dr2+r2dΩ22

Let us define f(r)(12Mr+Q2r2). Clearly, the solutions to f(r)=0 are r±=M±M2Q2, and these represent the two horizons of the charged black hole. If we are considering a point near r+, we can rewrite f(r) as follows: f(r+)(r+r)(rr+)r2+

What I don't understand is how can derive the temperature of the black hole from this relation. The temperature is given by T=r+r4πr2+=12πM2Q2(M+M2Q2)2

I couldn't find a reasonable answer as to how we can obtain the temperature from f(r+). What are the steps and reasoning that are missing when making this jump?


The temperature of a black hole is related to its surface gravity. For stationary black holes, the surface gravity is given by κ2=12DaξbDaξb|r=r+

where ξ=t is the time-like Killing vector of the space-time and r=r+ is the horizon. For space-times that have metric of the form ds2=f(r)dt2+dr2f(r)+r2dΩ2
This quantity works out to be κ=12f(r+)
Then the temperature of the black hole is given by T=κ2π=14πf(r+)
For the RN black hole f(r)=1r2(rr+)(rr)f(r+)=r+rr2+
which reproduces your formula.

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