Thursday 13 June 2019

particle physics - How do we know photons have spin 1?

Electrons have spin 1/2, and as they are charged, they also have an associated magnetic moment, which can be measured by an electron beam splitting up in an inhomogeneous magnetic field or through the interaction of the electrons's magnetic moment with an external magnetic field in spectroscopic measurements.

On the other hand, a photon is neutral - how can one measure its spin if there's no magnetic moment? How do we know it has spin 1?


One method is based on the conservation of angular momentum.

The electronic transition must follow the selection rule $\Delta l=\pm 1$. So the first thing to do is to choose an atom with zero total angular momentum, then let the atom absorb a photon and make a transition to $l=1$ state.

Secondly, we use the Stern-Gerlach experiment to detect the magnetic moment of this atom, which are $m=0,\pm 1$ in our case. Repeating experiments with random photons, we should see that there are mainly three bright spots on the screen: (1) non-deflected, (2) up and (3) down. The distance of outer spot from the center can also be calculated from the theory. Make sure the half-life of the excited state is long enough for the experiment.

In this way you can prove that the photon has spin=1. (That is what I thought, no reference for the actual experiment.)

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