Friday 27 March 2015

cosmology - Big bang and time

I heard Carl Sagan talking about the Universe 15 Billion years ago, and the Big Bang. He made the statement that it was the biggest explosion of all time (at first I thought this a subtle pun). This leads me to my question. What would time have been like at +1 "moment" after the big bang? What I'm trying to ask is, and I hate to say it because I'm afraid I'll sound foolish, did time flow at the same rate? Wouldn't all that mass in one place have distorted space/time (and why didn't it "rip" it)?

If I were inside of that mass with a stop watch, I'm guessing I wouldn't have been able to measure a difference because time would have effected me the same way as it effected all the other space/mass in the area. I'm guessing I would have to have something inside (the initial Big Bang mass) and something outside measuring time and see if there was a difference (intuitively this feels weird to consider, could I actually place something "outside" the "Big Bang mass").

Maybe I've said too much, or made the question too complicated. I apologize if this is the case.


A black hole is a lot of Mass collapsed into a small space. I believe that as mass increases time dilation increases. I remember hearing that if you fell into a black hole, you'd never experience the last second of your life...

If this is true of black holes, how did time pass in the mass/energy that is responsible for the big bang? As the big bang occurred, did time speed up with the expansion of the universe? I'm trying to explain what I'm getting at by asking more questions related to what I was asking. I'm trying to understand what time itself looked like. As I understand it time prevents everything from happening at once. If time was a line, were the ends smashed together into a point before the Big Bang ? Maybe as mass/energy expanded the "time line" expanded too?


Here is a sense in which this can be answered a bit unambiguously--it is a known effect that gravitational fields both dilate time, by a factor $\sqrt{1-\frac{2\,G\,M}{c^{2}\,r}}$ and redshift light waves by that same factor.

It is also known that cosmological effects redshift gravitational waves. This time, it is done by a factor of $a(t)$, the so-called 'radius of the universe'. For example, the cosmic microwave background radiation was believed to have been radiated from a surface whose temperature (and therefore, emitted wavelength) is roughly equivalent to the surface of a hot star. It is a matter of simple algebra to find a value of $\frac{M}{r}$ for which the two effects are roughly equivalent, and, if you wish, you can think of this as describing a "different rate of time flow."

To my knowledge, there really isn't a useful reason to do this, though.

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