Tuesday 26 April 2016

cosmology - Do all black holes spin in the same direction?

My question is as stated above, do all black holes spin the same direction? To my knowledge, the spin in the direction of the spin of the matter that created them. Another similar question was asked here, regarding whether they spin clock-wise or counter clock-wise, and the answer was that it was irrelevant, and dependent upon the position of the looker. My question is more specifically, are all black holes existent, spinning in the same direction? Basis an intuition around, all matter/space/time is expanding outward in a similar fashion from the start point (not a fixed point in space I realize) of the universe. So does that mean that all matter inherently spins around a central axis from which the universe expanded from? In this case, all black holes would seem to be rotating along similar parameters, as all the matter that could create them are spinning as such. However I do not know enough on the details of the universal expansion nor black holes to confirm this.

To end, consider that two black holes are spinning in opposite directions, observed from the position of an observer looking at an xy-plane, one would be spinning from higher to lower numbers on the x axis and the other from lower to high numbers on the x axis, and assume both were at a fixed line on the y axis.

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