Thursday 21 April 2016

logical deduction - A man with two red pills and two white pills


A Color blind man is travelling in a somewhat famous ship that had just a few people on board. Everything was smooth sailing for some days.

One day,the man heard some noises from outside when he was in his room. The ship started to shake and began to sink. By the time the man reached outside,nobody was there and the ship was almost fully sunk. There was no time for the man to search for the rest of the crew. He jumped in the ocean and saw the ship sinking to the bottom of the ocean.

Struggling to find some help,he sees an island and swam straight in that direction. The current was a bit strong,but he managed to get to his destination. By the time he reaches the shore,he starts coughing and also remembers something. He forgot to take his pills!. He keeps a few pills in his pocket and the rest in his room. He thrust his hand into his pocket. Fortunately, The pills were still there in his pocket.


He recalls putting 4 pills in his pocket(with the help of a friend) out of which 2 are red ones and the rest of them are white. All the pills are completely identical. He is supposed to take one red pill and one white pill everyday. The order which he takes them doesn't matter. He must not take two pills of the same color and if he does so,he dies. How does he take one red pill and one white pill?

Note that the man is color blind and he knows that help will arrive soon,since the ship he was travelling was a famous one. Also,the island that the man is on is deserted.



Just take half of each pill everyday which will always be 1 red + 1 white when put together.

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