Saturday 30 April 2016

fluid statics - Pressure change when closing valve inside a column of water

Main question: If you have a column of fluid with a valve as shown on the drawing, what happens to the pressure at the point p when moving from state A to state B and vice-versa?

I'd think it gets suddenly decreased because now it's at a much smaller depth, but I have trouble dealing with the idea of such a sudden change.

Bonus track: What could one say about the force required to open or close that valve? On the 2) section of my silly drawing: what should K be? How close or far away from 1 should it be?


Some thoughts about this problem:

  • When closing the valve, the pressure is even aboe and below the valve level, so I'd think closing the valve doesn;t require lots of force. At least, that force shouldn't be depending on the height of the container.

  • If the pressure does change from one state to the other, then opening the valve could be tricky. The big pressure difference between sides of the valve could cause a problem there. Maybe the required force will be very high (height depending) or maybe the thing would explode (like suddenly opening a door on a flying plane).

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