Sunday 1 May 2016

word - Teapot Riddle no.7

everyone doing rhymes here
Teapot Riddle no.7

eeeeeh ...
get me some beer

Rules: I have one word which has several (2 or more) meanings.
Each of the meanings is a teapot (first, second ...)
You try to figure out the word with my Hints.

  • First Hint:
    My first teapot exists in all 3 Dimensions.
    My second teapot needs just 2 Dimensions to exist, but can contain more.

  • Second Hint:
    My first teapot is a place for consuming.
    My second teapot is a place for storaging.

  • Third Hint:
    My first teapot has legs.
    My second teapot has a head.

  • Final Hint:
    My first teapot is made of wood, or glass or even stone.
    My second teapot is made of lines.

Good luck and have fun
more fun


Is your teapot a


My first teapot exist in all 3 Dimensions

As in a dinner table.

My second teapot needs just 2 Dimension to exist, but can contain more

As in a data table.

Second Hint My first teapot is a place for consuming

You eat at the dinner table.

My second teapot is a place for storaging

You store data in a data table.

Third Hint My first teapot has legs

Dinner tables have legs.

My second teapot has a head

Data tables have headers.

Final Hint My first teapot is made of wood, or glass or even stone

Dinner tables can be made of wood, glass, or stone.

My second teapot is made of lines

Data tables are made of lines.

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