Wednesday, 19 October 2016

quantum field theory - Phase factors under rotations of strong and weak isospin

The strong isospin raising operator changes a d quark into a u: τ+|d=|u

However, for antiquarks, there is an additional phase factor: τ+|ˉu=|ˉd
This phase factor is the reason the π0 wavefunction is proportional to |uˉu|dˉd. But I don't understand why it arises.

The book that I have at hand is Wong's Nuclear Physics. Given particle creation operators at,t0 and antiparticle creation operators bt,t0 for hadrons with strong isospin t and projection t0, Wong states that bt,t0=(1)tt0at,t0

because "operators at,t0 and at,t0 are not Hermitian conjugate of each other without the factor (1)tt0." There is supposedly a more detailed argument in Bohr & Mottleson, which I don't have access to at the moment.

  1. Why is this phase factor required?

  2. Do the same symmetry arguments apply to weak isospin partners? If so, I need to revise my opinion on this previous question.

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