Friday 9 December 2016

string theory - Geometric/Visual Interpretation of Virasoro Algebra

I've been trying to gain some intuition about Virasoro Algebras, but have failed so far.

The Mathematical Definition seems to be clear (as found in I just can't seem to gain some intuition about it. As a central extension to Witt Algebras, I was hoping that there has to be some geometric interpretation, as I can imagine Witt Algebras rather well.

If anyone has some nice Geometric or Visual Interpretation of Virasoro Algebra, I'd greatly appreciate it!


The simplest visual representation of the Lie group associated with the Virasoro (Lie) algebra is the group of reparametrizations of a circle.

Imagine that $\sigma$ is a periodic variable with the periodicity $2\pi$. An infinitesimal diffeomorphism is specified by a periodic function $\Delta \sigma(\sigma)$ with the periodicity $2\pi$. So the generators of the reparameterizations may be written as $f(\sigma)\partial / \partial \sigma$.

The possible functions $f(\sigma)$ may be expanded to the Fourier series, so a natural basis of the generators of the reparametrizations of the circle are $$ L_m = i \exp(im\sigma) \frac{\partial}{\partial \sigma} $$ As an exercise, calculate that the commutator $[L_m,L_n]$ is what it should be according to the Virasoro algebra, namely $(m-n)L_{m+n}$.

The Virasoro algebra for a closed string has two copies of the algebra above - and for the open string, it's only one copy but it's different than the "holomorphic" derivatives I used above. There are various related ways to represent the algebra but the reparameterizations of the circle are the simplest example.

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