Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Relativity, What actually happens if the Lorentz transformation. Lorentz boost

If we look the relations of Lorentz Boost; t=11v2c2(tvxc2)


we can concentrate on 2D case, and as v=axbt

and v=axbt
Here a is some certain numeric amount of length, and b some certain numeric amount of time, so that $0Geometrized".

then we can write; t=11(axbt)2c2(t(axbt)xc2)


And these Reduce a bit to; t=11(axbt)2c2(tax2btc2)


Wo when these are combined to v then v=a1(axbt)2c2(xaxb)b1(axbt)2c2(tax2btc2)

Which can be written; v=a(xaxb)1(axbt)2c21(axbt)2c2b(tax2btc2)

And this reduces quickly just to; v=a(xaxb)11b(tax2btc2)=a(xaxb)b(tax2btc2)

And v=axa2xbbtbax2btc2=axa2xbbtax2tc2

So, this would be the Lorentz -Transformation for velocity; v=axa2xbbtax2tc2

Question; Are these kind of higher level Lorentz Transformation been properly analysed before? (Source)
1. Velocity
2. Acceleration
3. Jerk
4. Momentum

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