Tuesday 29 January 2019

Can gravity be absent?

Can gravity be absent? Not weightlessness as an astronaut experiences it because the astronaut's body still has gravity which will probably manifest in the presence of another smaller/larger body. For instance, given the mass of the moon it is subject to Earth's gravity holding it in orbit. I mean, total absence of gravity; can it happen?

I think this question will need to be edited; reading it seems even more muddled than the thought ... I can't express it. Feel free to vote to close/delete


Yes, it could be possible to have a system without gravity. You've probably heard of the phenomenon called Dark Energy. This describes the accelerating expansion of the universe. There are theories that believe that this acceleration is not limited by the universal speed of light. The transfer of gravitational information is however thought to be limited by the speed of light. This means that if the space between the masses is spreading out faster than the information can be transferred, the masses will not interact with each other. In this senario it would be possible for there to be an absence of outside gravity. If you're interested in this concept you should look into the theories of Dark Energy and the Big Rip.

Hope this helped, and hope I got most of it right!

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