Friday 22 February 2019

gravity - Velocity required for Horizontal Rain

Related to my previous question - Change in appearance of liquid drop due to gravity...

Ok, I think we all have noticed this practical phenomena (a kind of illusion though)... During rain (while we're at rest), rain drops would definitely fall in the form of somewhat perfect vertical lines (assuming there's no wind). And When we're in motion, those "lines of rain" would be inclined to some $\theta$. That inclination depends on our velocity (what our eyes perceive at our speed). A friend of mine drove his car to some 120 km/h. Unfortunately, I didn't observe any horizontal line.

So, Is there any way we could observe "rain lines" horizontal..? What would be the velocity required for it? I think we don't have to break any barriers for that perception :-)

I googled it. But, I can't find anything regarding lines. Any explanation or perhaps a link would be good.

(As the climate would be rainy for atleast 2 months, I could test it in some grounds)


Let's say your eye integrates everything it sees over a time $\Delta t$. In that time, a raindrop will have fallen vertically a distance $v_\text{rain} \Delta t$. It will also appear, to you, to have moved horizontally a distance $v_\text{you} \Delta t$. You can draw a right triangle with these two distances as the legs. The hypotenuse is the perceived raindrop streak.

Let $\theta$ be the angle opposite the horizontal side. This measures deflection away from vertical. We have $$ \theta = \tan^{-1}\left(\frac{v_\text{you}}{v_\text{rain}}\right) $$ from basic trigonometry. This is independent of $\Delta t$. $\theta$ asymptotically approaches $90^\circ$ as your speed approaches infinity, while for low speeds, $\theta$ is approximately proportional to your velocity. The length $l$ of the streak follows from Pythagoras: $$ l = \Delta t \sqrt{v_\text{you}^2 + v_\text{rain}^2}.$$

Of course, both these formulas would need to be modified as your velocity approached the speed of light.

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