Friday 1 March 2019

general relativity - The Fabric of Space-time?

I am not an academic in anyway, just someone interested in the story that is our universe. So my apologies if this isn't a well thought out inquiry.

I've been struggling with a concept for some time (which is probably rudimentary) that I can't even frame into the right words to know where to begin a Google search, so thought I'd try this platform.

I'm trying to wrap my mind around the fabric of space. I can understand the effect of a mass like our Sun and its gravitational influence on the fabric of space, and how the planets fall into indents orbiting that mass. But my questions is, are all the masses in the universe on top of that "fabric"? Essentially, I'm asking if the fabric of space is all encompassing in the universe, is it at all points North, East, South, West, above, below, in between, or just a horizontal plain that all masses reside upon? I know that space-time twists in relation to a mass, is space-time manipulated the same way above the Earth and Sun as it is below?

Not sure if I'm framing this question correctly, but any insight you can provide would be beneficial.

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