Monday 3 June 2019

quantum information - Equivalence of simple formulations of qubit entanglement

I'm reading some very elementary treatments of quantum computation and am unsure about the correspondence among "definitions" of qubit entanglement.

One definition states that (1) the bits of a two-qubit system are entangled if the state cannot be expressed as the (tensor) product of two one-qubit states. Another "definition" states that (2) a two-qubit system is entangled if "we cannot determine the state of each qubit separately" or if (3) "measuring one qubit determines the distribution of the other".

Perhaps my confusion is a simple matter of not fully understanding what the "independent" means and how it relates to the tensor product; but it's not clear to me how these statements are related. Does, for example (1) imply (2)? Are (2) and (3) equivalent?

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