Wednesday 17 September 2014

newtonian mechanics - Centripetal force and circular motion

When a body moves in a circular loop, there are basically two types of acceleration acting on the object. One is the linear acceleration which is basically tangent to the circle, and there is an acceleration that acts inward which is basically centripetal acceleration.
These two acceleration vectors are perpendicular to each other and they have a net acceleration vector pointing inward.

My question is since there is a net acceleration due to these two acceleration vectors then the net force must also be acting in that direction. Then why does the object not move in the direction of that net force rather than moving along the circular path. Please understand that I am not talking about the centripetal force, rather i am taking about the net resultant force(centripetal + tangential force).

I feel that along the tangential direction of my circular path, the force would be basically the force of my engine which is driving my car. This force kind of propels me forward in the linear direction, and during the circular turn, the friction force basically would provide me the centripetal force and prevent me from flying off my turn.

So, what would be the meaning of the resultant of these two forces would imply in my real world because the resultant of these two force would be parallel to the X-axis and would act inward. I am basically moving the circular arc due to the combined effects of these two forces. Please I am standard 10 student, so my physics concepts are not really very advanced. Can someone explain this to me in a little conceptual manner?

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