Saturday 27 September 2014

quantum mechanics - A tutorial explanation of decoherence?

Is there a tutorial explanation as to how decoherence transforms a wavefunction (with a superposition of possible observable values) into a set of well-defined specific "classical" observable values without the concept of the wavefunction undergoing "collapse"?

I mean an explanation which is less technical than that decoherence is

the decay or rapid vanishing of the off-diagonal elements of the partial trace of the joint system's density matrix, i.e. the trace, with respect to any environmental basis, of the density matrix of the combined system and its environment [...] (Wikipedia).


The Copenhagen interpretation consists of two parts, unitary evolution (in which no information is lost) and measurement (in which information is lost). Decoherence gives an explanation of why information appears to be lost when it in actuality is not. "The decay of the off-diagonal elements of the wave function" is the process of turning a superposition: $$\sqrt{{1}/{3}} |{\uparrow}\rangle + \sqrt{{2}/{3}} |{\downarrow}\rangle$$ into a probabilistic mixture of the state $|\uparrow\rangle$ with probability $1/3$, and the state $|\downarrow\rangle$ with probability $2/3$. You get the probabilistic mixture when the off-diagonal elements go to 0; if they just go partway towards 0, you get a mixed quantum state which is best represented as a density matrix.

This description of decoherence is basis dependent. That is, you need to write the density matrix in some basis, and then decoherence is the process of reducing the off-diagonal elements in that basis. How do you decide which basis? What you have to do is look at the interaction of the system with its environment. Quite often (not always), this interaction has a preferred basis, and the effect of the interaction on the system can be represented by multiplying the off-diagonal elements in the preferred basis by some constant. The information contained in the off-diagonal elements does not actually go away (as it would in the Copenhagen interpretation) but gets taken into the environment, where it is experimentally difficult or impossible to recover.

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