Saturday 7 March 2015

classical mechanics - Time dependence of the Lagrangian of a free particle?

I am working through Landau's book on Classical Mechanics. I understand the logic and physics of isotropy and homogeneity of space-time behind the derivation of the Lagrangian for a free particle, but I am confused regarding its time dependence. When we calculate the action as the integral of the Lagrangian for a wiggly trajectory, the velocity is obviously dependent on time and so should be the Lagrangian. Of course, we extremize the action to find the true trajectory of motion. But this time dependence of Lagrangian for wiggly trajectories is very confusing to me because this indicates to me that Lagrangian is dependent on time for a free particle. Where am I making the mistake here?

Also, when we have a particle in a position dependent potential, the velocity (and kinetic energy) is again dependent on time for any trajectory we choose and even for the true trajectory. But then again we write the velocity as independent of time in the Lagrangian. Why is that so?

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