Saturday 17 September 2016

atomic physics - Disproving a refutation of quantum mechanics (QM) via a calculation of the ground state of the helium atom

This website appears to refute Quantum mechanics using some proof.

An important paper involved is this 'Calculation of Helium Ground State Energy by Bohr's Theory-Based Methods' (written by the website author)

How to disprove the author's claims, assuming his refutation of QM is unacceptable/false.

Note: I don't know if this question belongs here.

Edit:It may take considerable effort to refute or support his claims.


Arriving at the same answer as quantum mechanics for one particular scenario by making a bunch of ad hoc assumptions (for example - the calculation didn't work, so we'll make the orbital planes perpendicular) isn't useful. QM allows you to calculate much more than the ground states of atoms.

Any competing theory - and that paper doesn't contain anything which could be described as a theory - would have to have the same breadth of applicability as QM

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