Friday 16 September 2016

word - It's time to play...Add-A-Gram!

Anyone who loves Scrabble or this site is probably familiar with anagrams. But what about Add-A-Grams? An Add-A-Gram takes a word, adds a letter, and then shuffles the letters to make a new word (I guess you can call this an Add-A-Gram's Add-A-Grammar). In this game, I will define an Add-A-Gram chain, and a solution should contain the complete list of words in the chain.

For example, if I provided this definition: depend inside a race inside a counselor

The answer would be: rely -> relay -> lawyer

OK here is the definition for this Add-A-Gram chain:

a pentomino inside an element inside formerly inside a valley inside a compound inside an appendage inside choose inside a doctor inside most ephemeral inside injuries inside one without choices inside an inflammation inside chamber works

Happy Add-A-Gramming!





N + e = Ne (Neon)


Ne + e = nee

a valley

nee + d = dene

a compound

dene + i = diene

an appendage

diene + t = endite


endite + s = destine

a doctor

destine + r = resident

most ephemeral

resident + t = trendiest


trendiest + m = detriments

one without choices

detriments + i = determinist


determinist + o = endometritis

chamber works

endometritis + v = divertimentos

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