Sunday 18 September 2016

word - Fully-Firstable Anagram Sets

Okay, first let's define some terminology:

  • Anagram - Oh come on, how are you on Puzzling.SE if you don't know this one?

  • Anagram Set - a list of words that are all anagrams of eachother, e.g.:

    • ACTS

    • CAST

    • CATS

    • SCAT

  • Fully-Firstable - An anagram set where each of the letters can be found at the beginning of at least one of the words. The previous example would not qualify because there is no word starting with 'T'. One example would be:

    • OPTS

    • POST or POTS

    • SPOT or STOP

    • TOPS

I have been able to find a relatively small number of these. One optional rule I will allow to increase the chances of finding more is that if a set contains more than one of the same letter, you only need to have one word which starts with that letter, e.g. the set:

Only needs 2 words to qualify since there are only 2 unique letters.

I can easily find a number of 3- and 4-letter sets, but I am aware of only two 5-letter sets with this property, one of which uses the letter-doubling rule and one which does not. Can you find them? Are there more? Are there any with 6 or more letters?

Oh, let's disallow some things: No proper nouns or acronyms (unless these acronyms have since become commonly used as standard words such as "laser" or "scuba"), no splitting the letters into 2 or more words, stick to English please - my examples are relatively common words, but if you come up with any that use questionable or archaic words you might want to back them up with a reputable dictionary link. Also, screams, laughs, or other sound effects are not words. I'm looking at you, "AAAAAA" or "AHAHAH / HAHAHA". These are trivial to come up with and thus disqualified.


Since the original intended answers have both been found, the search is on for longer sets! The set with the most letters will take the checkmark - in the event of a tie, the set that relies the least on letter-doubling will win.


Didn't know this stack community existed, found it by chance when this thread came up in my feed, and I do love puzzles so I'm joining. Taking a shot at this one with this entry, one of my words is considered colloquial or obsolete though.

Ernest (For the second E - Obsolete variant of Earnest)
Streen / Strene (Obsolete variant of Strain)

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