Wednesday, 17 May 2017

quantum field theory - The poles of Feynman propagator in position space

This question maybe related to Feynman Propagator in Position Space through Schwinger Parameter. The Feynman propagator is defined as: $$ G_F(x,y) = \lim_{\epsilon \to 0} \frac{1}{(2 \pi)^4} \int d^4p \, \frac{e^{-ip(x-y)}}{p^2 - m^2 + i\epsilon} $$ $$= \begin{cases} -\frac{1}{4 \pi} \delta(s) + \frac{m}{8 \pi \sqrt{s}} H_1^{(1)}(m \sqrt{s}) & s \geq 0 \\ -\frac{i m}{ 4 \pi^2 \sqrt{-s}} K_1(m \sqrt{-s}) & s < 0\end{cases} $$

using $(+,-,-,-)$ Minkowski signature convention.

If one wants to apply the trick of Wick rotation, then one should know the position of the poles. It's easy to see that the poles $p_0$ of $\Delta(p)=\frac{1}{p^2 - m^2 + i\epsilon}$ are $p_0 = \pm (\omega - i\epsilon)$. Then, my question is what's the poles $x_0$ or $t$ of $$ \Delta(x) = G_{F,\epsilon}(x) = \int d^4p \, \frac{e^{-ip x}}{p^2 - m^2 + i\epsilon}. $$

I have tried as following:

Because $$ \Delta(p) = \frac{1}{p^2-m^2+i\epsilon} = -i \int_0^\infty d\alpha ~e^{i(p^2 - m^2 +i\epsilon)\alpha} $$ Thus $$ \Delta(x) = \int \frac{d^4 p}{(2\pi)^4} e^{-ipx} \Delta(p) \\ = -i \int_0^\infty d\alpha \int \frac{d^4 p}{(2\pi)^4} ~e^{-ipx+i(p^2 - m^2 +i\epsilon)\alpha} \\ = -i \int_0^\infty d\alpha \frac{1}{(2\pi)^4} [-i\pi^2\alpha^{-2} e^{\frac{-ix^2}{4\alpha}-i(m^2-i\epsilon)\alpha}] $$ Let $\beta = \frac{1}{\alpha}$, then we get $$ \frac{-1}{16\pi^2} \int_0^\infty d\beta~ e^{-\frac{i\beta x^2}{4}-\frac{i(m^2-i\epsilon)}{\beta}} $$ But how to do the last integration and what's the poles $x_0$?

ps: This material by Yuri Makeenko (page 8) gives a figure to show poles and the directions of Wick rotation. enter image description here


There is an integration formula (see "Table of integrals, series and products" 7ed, p337 section3.324 1st integral) $$\int_0^\infty d\beta \exp\left[-\frac{A}{4\beta}-B\beta\right]=\sqrt{\frac{A}{B}}K_1\left(\sqrt{AB}\right)\qquad [\mathrm{Re}A\ge0, \mathrm{Re}B>0].$$ If $\mathrm{Re}A\ge0, \mathrm{Re}B>0$ is violated, the integral will be divergence.

In your case, $A=4(im^2+\epsilon)$ and $B=ix^2/4$, so $\mathrm{Re}A=4\epsilon>0$ and $\mathrm{Re}B=0$ which does not satisfy the convergent condition. Therefore, to guarantee the convergence of the integral, we should treat $B=ix^2/4$ as the limit $B=\lim_{\epsilon'\rightarrow0+}i(x^2-i\epsilon')/4$. Thus we have $$\Delta(x)=\lim_{\epsilon,\epsilon'\rightarrow0+}\frac{-1}{16\pi^2}\int_0^\infty d\beta \exp\left[-\frac{i\beta (x^2-i\epsilon')}{4}-\frac{i(m^2-i\epsilon)}{\beta}\right]\\ =\lim_{\epsilon,\epsilon'\rightarrow0+}\frac{-1}{4\pi^2}\sqrt{\frac{m^2-i\epsilon}{x^2-i\epsilon'}}K_1\left(\sqrt{-(m^2-i\epsilon)(x^2-i\epsilon')}\right)\\ =\lim_{\epsilon'\rightarrow0+}\frac{-m}{4\pi^2\sqrt{x^2-i\epsilon'}}K_1\left(m\sqrt{-(x^2-i\epsilon')}\right)$$ As a result, the singularity of the propagator is at $x^2-i\epsilon=t^2-\mathbf{x}^2-i\epsilon=0$, i.e. $t=\pm(|\mathbf{x}|+i\epsilon)$.

Actually, the convergent condition of the integral restricts the analytic regime of $\Delta(x)$: $$0<\mathrm{Re}(ix^2)=\mathrm{Re}(it^2)=-\mathrm{Im}(t^2)$$ i.e. $$(2n-1)\pi\le\arg(t^2)=2\arg(t)\le 2n\pi\\ (n-\frac{1}{2})\pi\le\arg(t)\le n\pi$$ Therefore, $\Delta(x)$ only can be analytically continued to the second and the forth quadrants in the complex plane of $t$. In conclusion, the wick rotation in $t$ plane should be clockwise.

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