Saturday 24 March 2018

cosmology - Smolin on Cosmological selection and neutron stars

Regarding the cosmological selection hypothesis and testable predictions, Lee Smolin asserted the following:

"Smolin: I did make two predictions which were eminently checkable by astrophysical and cosmological observations, and both of them could easily have been falsified by observations over the last 20 years, and both have been confirmed by observations so far.

One of them concerns the masses of neutron stars and the prediction is there can't be a neutron star heavier than about twice the mass of the sun. This continues to be confirmed by the best measurements of the masses of neutron stars."

What is he referring to? As far as I know, the neutron star mass limit is a prediction of GR, and doesn't suggest that any fine-tuning is involved in it. Is this correct?

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