Friday 23 March 2018

newtonian mechanics - Dependence of Friction on Area

Is friction really independent of area? The friction force, $f_s = \mu_s N$. The equation says that friction only depends on the normal force, which is $ N = W = mg$, and nature of sliding surface, due to $\mu_S$.

Now, less inflated tires experiences more friction compared to well inflated tire. Can someone give clear explanation, why friction does not depend on area, as the textbooks says?


The increased 'resistance' of an underinflated tyre is due to mechanical deformation, friction is independent of area as suggested. The simplest explanation for me is that: as area increases the applied force per unit area decreases, but there is more contact surface to resist motion.

Added as per Zass' suggestion below:

$$\rm{Friction}= \rm{Material\ Coefficient} \times \rm{Pressure} \times \rm{Contact Area}$$

Where the material coefficient is a measure of the 'grippiness' of the material, the pressure applied to the surface and the area of the surfaces in contact. So we can see the area in the pressure term cancels with the third term.

This is not to be confused with traction, where spreading the motive force over a larger area can help.

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