Thursday 29 March 2018

thermodynamics - Fan Speed Formula

Is there any formula for computing fan speed by using air mass,air flux, air density or specific heat? I have computed air mass and air flux, and found the values for air density and specific heat, but now I am stuck at finding a correlation between these and fan speed.


From an engineering perspective, there are many different fan designs including axial and centrifugal configurations, along with various blade designs including forward curved, backward curved, and radial. There is no formula to calculate the required fan speed, but if a specific fan configuration is known then fan similarity laws can be used to calculate performance based on known performance of a similar fan. For example, for a given fan design the flow varies linearly with speed, static pressure varies with the square of the speed, and power consumption varies with the cube of the speed. Similarly, at the same speed flow varies with the cube of the impeller diameter, and static pressure varies as the square of the diameter.

These formulas are described here for example.

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