Monday 4 February 2019

mathematical physics - Are there books on Regularization and Renormalization in QFT at an Introductory level?

Are there books on Regularization and Renormalization, in the context of quantum field theory at an Introductory level? Could you suggest one?

Added: I posted at math.SE the question Reference request: Introduction to mathematical theory of Regularization and accepted this answer by Willie Wong.


Check out the following 3 articles and 2 books:

  1. Regularization Renormalization and Dimensional Analysis: Dimensional Regularization meets Freshman E&M Published in the american journal of physics (can be found also on hep-ph, but slightly different with less references)

  2. Regularization, from Murayama's course of QFT at Berkeley

  3. A Hint of Renormalization

  4. A more general detailed, still introductory, treatment including renormalization would be the book Renormalization Methods: A Guide For Beginners

  5. A. Zee's book QFT in a Nutshell

Anyway, I hope that was useful


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