Tuesday 27 August 2019

classical mechanics - Force as gradient of scalar potential energy

My text book reads

If a particle is acted upon by the forces which are conservative; that is, if the forces are derivable from a scalar potential energy function in manner $ F=-\nabla V $.

I was just wondering what may be the criteria for force to be expressed as negative gradient of scalar potential energy and HOW DO WE PROVE IT?


Your Question all but includes the right search term for an Answer from Wikipedia, "Conservative Forces", which gets you to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conservative_Forces. There's even what you ask for, a proof. There's also another link to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conservative_vector_field, which gives some quite good visualizations that will probably help. Loosely, there mustn't be any vortices in the force field for there to be a scalar potential energy that generates the force vector field as $\nabla\!\cdot\!\phi(x)$.

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