Tuesday 10 September 2019

error analysis - When do I apply Significant figures in physics calculations?

I'm a little confused as to when to use significant figures for my physics class. For example, I'm asked to find the average speed of a race car that travels around a circular track with a radius of $500~\mathrm{m}$ in $50~\mathrm{s}$.

Would I need to apply the rules of significant figures to this step of the problem? $$ C = 2\pi (1000~\mathrm{m}) = 6283.19 $$

Or do I just need to apply significant figures at this step? $$ \text{Average speed} = \frac{6283.19~\mathrm{m}}{50~\mathrm{s}} = 125.664~\mathrm{m}/\mathrm{s} $$

Should I round $125.664~\mathrm{m}/\mathrm{s}$ to $130~\mathrm{m}/\mathrm{s}$ since the number with the least amount of significant figures is two?


You should always find an answer that is a formula, and then only apply significant figures once you get to the one final step of substituting your numbers back into the problem in place of variables.

Avoid multiple intermediate steps of substituting numbers at all costs. Not only will this save your pencil a lot of work, but it will also cause your answer to be more accurate, as rounding errors can pile up, even when using a calculator.

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