Monday 23 September 2019

universe - Atoms pop out of nothing/vacuum/pre-big-bang?

I saw a great documentary last night about 'nothing'. It's about vacuums, and how if you have a total vacuum atoms will pop out of nowhere! Pretty crazy stuff. Atoms literally coming out of nowhere, then disappearing quickly.

It got me thinking, before the big bang if there was nothing, then presumably atoms would be popping out of nowhere still. If enough atoms suddenly popped simultaneously into the same space could it create the big bang? The chance of this is 1 in trillions on trillions but if time is infinite then surely the chance of this happening is 1?

Also if time is infinite and atoms really do pop out of nowhere, if you go back in time far enough was there ever a moment when a donkey appeared out of nowhere in a giant vacuum simply as a result of a complex pattern of atoms appearing out of nowhere?

I'm a Physics noob but love thinking about all this stuff, is this something people have thought about before? And what other theories of how the big bang happened in the first place are there?

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