Friday 27 September 2019

particle physics - Universality in Weak Interactions

I'm currently preparing for an examination of course in introductory (experimental) particle physics. One topic that we covered and that I'm currently revising is the universality in weak interactions.

However I don't really understand the point my professor wants to make here.

Let me show you his exposure to the topic:

We stark by looking at three different weak decays:

  • $\beta$-decay in a nuclei: $^{14}O \rightarrow ^{14}N^{*} + e^{+} + \nu_{e}$ (Lifetime $\tau$=103sec)

  • $\mu$-decay: $\mu^{+}\rightarrow e^{+} + \nu_{e} + \overline{\nu_{\mu}}$ ($\tau$=2.2$\mu$sec)

  • $\tau-decay$: $\tau^{+}\rightarrow$ $\mu^{+} + \nu_\mu + \overline{\nu_{\tau}}$ or $\tau^{+}\rightarrow$ $e^{+} + \nu_e + \overline{\nu_{\tau}}$ ($\tau = 2 \cdot 10^{13}$ sec).

Now he points out that the lifetimes are indeed quiet different. Never the less the way the reactions behave is the same? (Why? Okay we always have a lepton decaying into another leptons and neutrinos? But what's the deal?)

Then he writes down Fermi's golden rule given by: $W=\frac{2\pi}{\hbar} |M_{fi}|^{2} \rho(E')$.

Now he says that universality means that the matrix element $|M_{fi}|$ is the same in all interactions. The phase space however is the same (Why? First of all I have often read on the internet that universality means that that certain groups of particles carry the same "weak charge"? And secondly: What do particle physicists mean when they talk about greater phase-space? Three dimensional momentum space? But how do you see or measure that this space is bigger? And bigger in what respect? More momentum states?)

Now he says that the different phase spaces come from the different lifetimes. He calculates $\rho(E')=\frac{dn}{dE}=\int \frac{d^{3}p_{\nu} d^{3}p_{e}}{dE} = p_{max}^{5} \cdot \int \frac{d^{3}(p_{\nu}/p_{max}) d^{3}(p_{e}/p_{max})}{d(E/p_{max})}$.

Now the last integral is supposed to be identical for all decays. And $p_{max}$is suppose to be different in all decays . But why? And what is the definition of $p_{max}$?

Now he has $\tau = \frac{1}{M}$. So he gets $\tau = const \cdot \frac{1}{|M_{fi}|^{2} p_{max}^5}$. Hence he gets in the ln($\tau$)-ln($p_{max}$) diagram a line with slope -5.

Now he claims that this "proofs" that $|M_{fi}|$ is constant in all processes. Again why?

Can someone please give me some overview and explain to me why he is doing all that stuff? I din't really have much background when it comes to particle physics. So can someone explain it to me in a clear and easy way?

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