Monday 30 September 2019

quantum field theory - Jauch, Piron, Ludwig -> QFT?

Possible Duplicate:
What is a complete book for quantum field theory?

At the moment I am studying

Piron: Foundations of Quantum Physics,

Jauch: Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, and

Ludwig: Foundations of Quantum Mechanics

All of them discuss nonrelativistic quantum mechanics.

Now my question is, if there are corresponding approaches to quantum field theory (in particular aiming to the standard model of particle physics).

Edit (in response to noldorin's comment): I think if one knows the books mentioned above, the question is not very vague. Take for example Ludwigs approch. For instance it is written with the aim in mind to provide clear foundations of nonrelativistic quantum mechanics which match Ludwigs epistemological theory about physics ("A new foundation of Physical Theories"). It is axiomatic, mathematical sound, emphasises the idea of preperation and registration procedures, uses the mathematical language of lattice theory etc. However since I am studying this book at the moment I might miss some important points in Ludwigs approach. So I ask a bit vague if there is an approach to QFT which corresponts in your view to Ludwigs approach to nonrelativistic quantum mechanics in the most essential points (from your point of view) (in style, epistemological background, mathematical language etc.). Perhaps there are students of Ludwig which transfered and developed his ideas for QFT as well, I don't know.


I think you are looking for things in the line of

  • R Haag Local Quantum Physics: Fields, Particles, Algebras

  • R. F. Streater and A. S. Wightman, PCT, Spin and Statistics, and All That

are you? Still, Zee's is a good idea, and some 1960 book to bridge the gap (EDIT: I was thinking some practical "lets calculate" book, as Bjorken Drell volumes, but from the point of view of fundamentals, also 1965 Jost The general theory of quantized fields could be of interest for the OP).

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