Monday 5 October 2015

time - Did relativity make Newtonian mechanics obsolete?

Did Einstein completely prove Newton wrong? If so, why we apply Newtonian mechanics even today? Because Newton said that time is absolute and Einstein suggested it relative?

So, if fundamentals are conflicting, how can both of them be true at a time?


Einstein extended the rules of Newton for high speeds. For applications of mechanics at low speeds, Newtonian ideas are almost equal to reality. That is the reason we use Newtonian mechanics in practice at low speeds.

On a conceptual level, Einstein did prove Newtonian ideas quite wrong in some cases, e.g. the relativity of simultaneity. But again, in calculations, Newtonian ideas give pretty close to correct answer in low-speed regimes. So, the numerical validity of Newtonian laws in those regimes is something that no one can ever prove completely wrong - because they have been proven correct experimentally to a good approximation.

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