Consider a particle with spin that travels through a Stern Gerlach box (SGB), which projects the particle’s spin onto one of the eigenstates in the z-direction. The SGB defines separate trajectories for the particles that travel through it depending on their spin.
My Question: At what point is the spin determined when it is in superposition? When the particle starts to feel the magnetic field? Or only when the trajectory is measured in the detector?
This is a similar question, however it does not answer my question.
The spin wavefunction unitarily evolves into either an up state or down state by decoherence with the environment, a.k.a. measurement.
When the particle enters a magnetic field, the wavefunction evolves (unitarily) according to iℏ∂t|ψ⟩=emB⋅S|ψ⟩
Now, in principle, wavefunctions only ever evolve unitarily ("smoothly"), because bad things happen when they don't. So even when the electron hits a detector, the system remains in some sort of superposition. The problem is that now we aren't only considering the degrees of freedom of the electron, but that of the detector as well (and the experimenter, and her environment, etc.) So the wavefunction I wrote above becomes much more complicated:
After the measurement, in principle, (because of linearity of quantum mechanics) the "stuff" part evolves completely independently of the "morestuff" part, and the experimenter can't tell that she herself is in a superposition of two outcomes (Schrodinger's cat). In practice, however, once you have many many degrees of freedom, states like these tend to be very unstable and quickly decay into a state where the superposition is lost. This is called decoherence.
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