Friday 19 July 2019

astronomy - Does the Sun produce audible sound?

Theoretically if I were able to build some sort of device that let me sit 1 foot away from the surface of the Sun (or any star for that matter) without being vaporized, would a star produce any sort of audible sound at that distance? From my understanding, sound waves need a medium to propagate through (air, water, etc). Does this mean that all stars are completely silent (in the audible spectrum of frequencies at least) as they fuse hydrogen into helium? I know stars emit radio, xray, infrared, ultraviolet electromagnetic waves, but how about audible (20 Hz to 20Khz) frequencies? For some reason it seems like this process would produce some sort of sound.


helioseismology is what you need to learn about. yes, there are sound waves in Sun

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